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Vaccum Feed Gas Chlorinator

Vaccum Feed Gas Chlorinator

Chlorine Gas from Cylinders/ Tonners at regulated pressure passes through a Flow Control Valve, Rotameter/Flowmeter, Moisture-Trap and Check Valve to a Packed Absorption Tower where it gets uniformly mixed with the incoming water.

Motive Water ( water at high pressure) passes through the injector to produce vacuum. This vacuum extends upto Automatic Vacuum Regulator (AVR). The chlorine gas supplied [from Tonners / Cylinders or Chlorine Evaporators] under pressure is reduced to a lower pressure by Pressure Reducing Valve [PRV] and to a constant vacuum at the AVR. The gas under vacuum passes through a Gas Flowmeter or Rotameter and Flow Control Valve [FCV].

A Differential Pressure Regulator [DPR] is provided for Chlorinators above 6 Kgs/ hr capacity, to control the pressure drop across the Flow meter and also to ensure accurate and steady flow of gas. The chlorine gas then gets mixed with the water at the injector and is then discharged to the point of application. Safety Valves like Check Valve, Emergency Drain Valve, Pressure Relief Valve and Vacuum Relief Valve are provided in this System to make it safe for both Operating Personnel and Equipment’s longevity.